a SCOBY is a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast, a complex system such as the human constitution; this experiment portrays the fragility of the human condition: under same conditions, small interventions create a chain reaction of very different outcomings.
"Are we humans really the individual, bounded selves we take ourselves to be? Until recently, little seemed more obvious to both the natural and the human sciences. The former found the material basis of the individual human self in the adaptive immune system, the brain, and the genome sequence, and the latter catalogued the many different ways in which humans—across time and space—have learned to make sense of what it means to be an individual self. The discrete self was a philosophical certainty in both the natural and the human sciences.
Today, this philosophical certainty––and therefore our sense of self––faces major challenges. -
“The audience has assembled to witness the strangest animal, the Human Being. One Human Being is in a cage, strapped into a VR headset. Two more Human Beings are guides, leading the audience through the exhibition. The performance begins with an explanation of the human body, and then the guides introduce one aspect of humanity after another: there are humans in motion, humans mimicking other humans, and humans that communicate. As this takes place, the border breaks down between the human observers and the humans being observed.” -