you are so sensitive
you’ve got the softest touch
the cutest beak
you have an amazing smile
truly wonderful
your talents versatile
every word you say is poetry
deeply meaningful
but not to me
doves like you are really rare
but I’m a basic pigeon
so I don’t care x2
your eyes always read my mind
and I don’t understand
you’re one of a kind
I wonder why you’re still throwing bread at me
I’m always mean to you
don’t you agree?
tell me why you seem never upset?
or is it passive-aggressive?
you keep on nodding your head!
doves like you are really rare
but I’m a basic pigeon
so I don’t care x2 - D Am C G
what does it take, to be like you?
what does it take?
what does it take, to be like you?
to talk, think, feel and walk and post like you.
every selfie you take is perfection
many hours of practice and self-reflection
sophisticated ridiculously pathetic,
melodramatic with a sense for trite aesthetic
what does it take, to be like you?
what does it take?
what does it take, to be like you?
If I like you, will you like me back too?
unique mediocre mentality
is nourishing your superficiality
an obnoxious chemistry
and a peculiar lack of empathy
what does it take, to be like you?
what does it take?
what does it take, to be like you?
If I follow you, will you follow me back too?
your narcissistic personality
is casually denying your mortality
wanting to rule on social media
- and an entry on Wikipedia
what does it take, to be like you?
what does it take?
what does it take, to be like you?
If I add you, will you add me too?
entering an altered state of reality
deep understanding of human physicality
you’re just clickbait, completely underscoring
I really do believe your newsfeed is boring
what does it take, to be like you?
what does it take?
what does it take, to be like you?
If I unfriend you, will you unfriend me too? 2x - ACDE, AFDE
so-sad-about-humanity song (freaking miau)
we live amongst a society
which is based on random theories
like religion, politics
science and statistics
economy, uncertainty
bureaucracy and dignity
propaganda, god like imaginary
hypocrisy and definitely
the relationship between you and me
ref.: all this shit is really freaking miau x2
global warming doesn’t mean we’ll never catch a cold in winter again
nuclear power is radiating and warming up our frozen hearts
we’re supreme parasites residing in paradise
environmental destruction is on the rise
ref.: all this shit is really freaking miau x2
plants and animals are going extinct,
mono-agriculture and factory farming are linked
always keeping in mind the borders,
bombing our neighbours and friends
creating wars for selling weapons,
good for the economy, but is it for you and me?
ref.: all this shit is really freaking miau x2
strange that it seems that we don’t care about the fact that we all share the same air
ref.: all this shit is really freaking miau x2
defend your masculinity - when equality is sounding like revenge
enjoy your superiority - until neoliberalism is gonna have an end
with patriarchy and capitalism on the rise
social injustice is no surprise
ref.: all this shit is really freaking miau x2
where do we hide and run and dig a hole into the ground
we want to get far, so keep in mind:
this world is round, round, round…
ref.: all this shit is really freaking miau x2
after every stock market crash
sanity comes back again
in disguise
yeah thats the price
we need to pay
our humanity is in decay
Today I’m feeling kind of sad, not to say I’m feeling blue
thinking about my reproductive market value
contemplating on the space in between my legs
in my head a voice is saying: „freeze your eggs!“
Why are we here? And all this trouble in the world?
Why are we here?
Why are we here? And all this trouble in the world?
Why are we here?
Are women just the source for all the evil in this world
´cause they give birth to men, and men are creating wars
men are robbing lands and souls - colonialisation
men are making slaves - masters of humiliation
men creating bombs and weapons of mass destruction
maybe men are only necessary for reproduction?
men are creating wars
men are claiming space, the moon and even mars
I am pretty sure if there’s a god, well, he must be a men
… well can you explain?
Why are we here? And all this trouble in the world?
Why are we here?
Why are we here? And all this trouble in the world?
Why are we here?
are women just the source for all the evil in this world
´cause they give birth to men, and men are creating wars
who is to be blamed for, are women just the worst?
when will this illusion burst?
men are raping women, children, sometimes everything they can
sometimes even donkeys …and chickens too
making such assumptions may seem quite lame
and for sure all men are not the same
It’s just a shame that all these things, they are really happening
all this is ugly but true
can you guess why it came so far, well I might have a clue…
brutality and violence have statistical significance
might be a biological difference
speaking of the weak sex
speaking of the truth
about distort reality
and gender inequality
same same but different
so stop, please stop, being so ignorant
there is one major question, we need to ask
but to answer this is quite a tricky task:
are women just the source for all the evil in the world
‘cause they give birth to men…?
today I’m feeling kind of sad, still I don’t really understand
why freedom and equality must be a demand
- C G D Am